I’m in the process of moving my blog from https://trampleasure.net/lee to https://lee.trampleasure.net. Eventually I’ll have all my old posts moved over here, but from October 2021 forward, I’ll be adding all my new blog posts here.
Yesterday I attended a memorial service for a veteran Berkeley teacher. Keith Conning (obituary here) taught at King Jr. High and then Berkeley High School. I’m not sure if I ever had Keith as a teacher (my memories of that era are somewhat blurry), but I do remember Keith over the years. The service was […]
In June 2023 I lost my brother Calvin to cancer. He was only 64. I guess I should be happy that deaths in the family followed the “right” order: My grandparents died before my parents, and my parents died before my brother. But I’m still angry. Not angry at Calvin, nor the medical system, nor […]
Learn how to record/calculate the amount of time someone takes on a Google Form/Quiz. This does require the student to enter the date and time when they start the quiz, but other than that everything is done in a Google Sheet.
As a science teacher, I write a lot of documents that have numbers with units (e.g. 3.6 m/s). When readers see a number at the end of a line without units immediately following them, it is harder for them to keep the numbers and units. The 50 second video below shows the difference between regular spaces (what […]
Most days I ride my bicycle to work. Getting there in the morning is a two-mile ride that takes me about ten minutes. But on the way home, I have more time so I add about five miles to my ride and ‘detour’ through Robinson Preserve. This gives me almost four miles meandering through a […]
Here’s a simple DIY rack to hold a larger trike and an additional bike. If you just need to carry a trike, you can skip the bike rack portion. All together this rack cost me about $350.
This question focuses on the traditional grading system were all scores count the same, and a students’ final grade is based on the average of all the scores. The alternative presented is to look at trends in a student’s scores…looking for growth and allowing for early mistakes/low scores to not have as great an impact.
I wrote this poem in 1998. I find it as a reflection on the world condition that leaves me with a sense of hope.
I’ve collecting photos of the Yolo Bypass during the January 2023 flooding. Photo location is at the east end of the bypass, on the north side along the bike path. I’ll be adding more photos as I take them over the next few weeks. Looking westbound from West Sacramento Click on the forward/back buttons on […]
Our Transit didn’t come with a built-in navigation system, so I searched around for how others upgrade to get a nav system. Adding an after-market replacement in the radio location was going to be quite expensive, so we opted for a tablet on a flexible stand. I found an Arkon flexible mount that holds anything […]