Website categories
More coming soon
Science Education
Geology and natural sciences hiking and camping in the western USA
Physics Tutoring
Everything else
- My personal blog. Mostly science education, but also other areas of personal interest.
- My science/physics tutoring site:
- Youtube
Other websites I manage
- Berkeley Partners for Parks
- Calvin Trampleasure. My brother’s blog with reflections on bike racing the the 1970s and ’80s
- Earth Community I Love You. My deceased dad’s website with his poetry and prose.
- Learn Physics (my teacher web site for 2019-2020)
- Northern CA/NV Section of American Association of Physics Teachers
- Walnut House Cooperative. A 22-unit limited equity coop in Berkeley, CA
- Uprisings: The While Grain Bakers’ Book. Recipes and more from collective/cooperative and independent bakeries.